The Adult Learning Centers (ALCs) are the direct service providers of ESOL and adult literacy instruction for the New York Public Library. ALCs use professional teachers to offer free instruction to adult patrons in reading, writing, speaking and listening from a 0 to 8th grade level. Through formal classes in language and literacy, as well as elective offerings such as English conversation and citizenship preparation groups, ALCs have taken on the charge to expand ESOL instruction in the Library.
Principal Responsibilities:
The Hub Manager is responsible to orchestrate and supervise all adult learning center educational activities within the designated hub area (ESOL and Literacy for East Harlem and East Bronx). This includes current formal classes and the development of new informal classes, workshops, and volunteer led conversation sessions. The Hub Manager is expected to work with the ALC Administrative team and the Branch Libraries Associate Directors to identify new ESOL service locations and expanded opportunities for programming. For the full job description, and to apply, please follow this link: